Epixode Celebrates Successful Shift to Highlife Music - MicMutee The #1 Entertainment Blog News Epixode Celebrates Successful Shift to Highlife Music

Epixode Celebrates Successful Shift to Highlife Music



About two years ago, Dancehall musician Epixode made the bold decision to switch to Highlife, sealing his choice with the release of "Atia," a beautiful Highlife song that resonated deeply with listeners. Reflecting on this change, Epixode enthusiastically acknowledges it as one of the best decisions he's ever made.

Originally making his mark in the music industry nearly a decade ago as a Dancehall artist, Epixode finds great joy in his transition to Highlife, which has significantly enhanced his brand. The 2021 TGMA Reggae/Dancehall Artiste of the Year recently showcased his Highlife prowess by performing in honor of the legendary Abrantie Amakye Dede, who received the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Telecel Ghana Music Awards (TGMA). Sharing the stage with artists like Kwabena Kwabena, Fameye, and Akwaboah, Epixode delivered a tribute performance that received widespread acclaim.

In an exclusive interview with Graphic Showbiz on June 9, 2024, Epixode, known for hits such as "Wahala Dey," "Too Much," "Efie Nsem," and "You Are the One," expressed his satisfaction with his decision to embrace Highlife. He noted that this genre has added immense value to his career, opening doors that would have otherwise remained closed.

"Highlife paved the way for me. The TGMA Board invited me to be part of the tribute performance for Amakye Dede, which was a great honor. It shows that people appreciate what I’m doing with Highlife. The feedback on my performance has been positive, and I can confidently say that Highlife music has enhanced my work as an artist," he stated.

Epixode, who released another Highlife song, "Efie Nsem," earlier this year, clarified that he hasn't completely abandoned Dancehall music. Instead, he is exploring new sounds and styles, continuing a journey that began with his debut album, "Spar Junkies," in 2016, which also featured Highlife tracks.

"I'm not entirely abandoning Dancehall music. I'm just evolving into a better artist, exploring and trying new things with my craft. The transition has been smooth, and I have no regrets. I'm happy with my decision and have been committed to Highlife for over two years now," he explained.

However, Epixode acknowledged that his path might not be suitable for every artist and suggested that a blend of Highlife with other genres could be a successful approach.

"It might work for someone like me, but not for others. I think we can all succeed and make our mark by fusing all styles, including our unique sound of Highlife," he added.

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