Lil Win's Accident Case: Awaiting Attorney General's Advice - MicMutee The #1 Entertainment Blog News Lil Win's Accident Case: Awaiting Attorney General's Advice

Lil Win's Accident Case: Awaiting Attorney General's Advice



The Asokore Mampong District Court is currently awaiting advice from the Attorney General’s Office regarding the ongoing case involving popular actor Kwadwo Nkansah, widely known as Lil Win. This development follows Lil Win's arrest and subsequent release on GH¢50,000 bail with two sureties on June 3, 2024.

The arrest stemmed from a tragic accident involving a vehicle driven by Lil Win, which resulted in the death of a three-year-old boy. The incident has sparked a fervent call for justice from the boy's family, who have been vocal about their desire for accountability and resolution.

Police have attributed the delay in Lil Win’s arrest to concerns regarding his health condition. However, the legal proceedings are now progressing as the prosecution has submitted the case docket to the Attorney General’s Office for further direction. This step is crucial in determining the course of action and the potential charges that Lil Win might face.

Lil Win’s defense counsel, Nana Bonsu Kyeretwie, emphasized the importance of the Attorney General’s advice in shaping their legal strategy. "The prosecution must prove its case for us to have a case to answer before we can rebut any doubt that the police have created in this matter. For now, we cannot speak to anything. We are only waiting for the Attorney General’s advice in accordance with his mandate," Kyeretwie stated.

The court has adjourned the case to July 29, 2024, as all parties await the Attorney General’s guidance. This advice will play a pivotal role in determining the next steps in the legal process and the potential outcome of the case. The public and the boy's family remain hopeful for a resolution that will bring justice and closure to this tragic incident.

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