Patapaa's Wife Liha Miller Confirms Their Marriage is Over - MicMutee The #1 Entertainment Blog News Patapaa's Wife Liha Miller Confirms Their Marriage is Over

Patapaa's Wife Liha Miller Confirms Their Marriage is Over



Liha Miller, the wife of Ghanaian musician Patapaa, has confirmed that their marriage is in shambles. In a recent interview with Graphic Showbiz, she revealed that their marriage, which took place in 2021, broke down shortly after the wedding, and they have been separated for over two years.

Miller shared that when she first initiated the process of ending their marriage, Patapaa dismissed her decision as a mere bluff and did not take her seriously. Despite her clear intentions to divorce, Patapaa failed to acknowledge the gravity of the situation, leaving Miller with no choice but to take matters into her own hands.

Since then, the couple has been living separately, with Miller making persistent efforts to finalize the divorce. She has been actively working towards a formal separation, engaging with Patapaa's parents to bring closure to their failed marriage. Miller stated that she has not been in contact with Patapaa and is currently dealing with his parents to finalize the divorce process.

When asked about her relationship with Patapaa, she clarified, "No. He is my husband or ex-husband. We are no more for a very long time. People don’t need to know because it is my private life. Many people are thinking wrongly, and I have to clear it up a little bit. I got married to Patapaa in 2021, but the marriage did not work out.

We are officially married, and in Ghana, it is a process. We got divorced, and we are in the process of ending everything. Patapaa and I have not been talking for years. The last time I saw him was after the wedding, and when I left, we never spoke. I asked for a divorce, but he did not take it seriously.

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