Afua Asantewaa Aims for Second Attempt at Guinness World Record for Longest Singing Marathon - MicMutee The #1 Entertainment Blog News Afua Asantewaa Aims for Second Attempt at Guinness World Record for Longest Singing Marathon

Afua Asantewaa Aims for Second Attempt at Guinness World Record for Longest Singing Marathon



Ghanaian broadcast journalist Afua Asantewaa O Aduonum has announced her intention to attempt breaking the Guinness World Record for the longest individual singing marathon for a second time. Her previous attempt in December 2023, where she aimed to surpass the existing record held by Indian singer Sunil Waghmare, who sang for 105 hours straight in 2012, ended in disqualification.

Despite the setback, the mother of three remains undeterred and is gearing up for another shot at the prestigious title. She explained that her first attempt was hindered by limited preparation time, having only two weeks to organize the challenge. She is hopeful that with more time to prepare, she will achieve the goal and make Ghana proud.

In a video sighted by Graphic Showbiz, she said, “I've been thinking a lot, and I believe that the record attempt I embarked on is similar to the Black Stars participating in a World Cup, or the Black Queens participating in an African Cup competition, or a presidential candidate running for office. I have never seen the Black Stars quit football because they didn't qualify for the World Cup. They still play all the time.”

“I have seen presidential candidates who have not won the presidential seat but still attempt. So, if I have attempted the world record and it was not successful, it doesn't mean I need to give up. We are still considering it. Moving forward, I believe we have learned a lot. We had only two weeks to attempt what we did last December. Now, we have enough months ahead to properly prepare and hit it once and for all, and still make Ghana proud. If I'm successful next year, I will put Ghana on the map.”


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