Nzema Kotoko Is Being Managed Professionally - Mensah Logosu - MicMutee The #1 Entertainment Blog News Nzema Kotoko Is Being Managed Professionally - Mensah Logosu

Nzema Kotoko Is Being Managed Professionally - Mensah Logosu

Mensah Logosu, also known as Lion Coach and a former coach of Nzema Kotoko in the Western Region, has commended the club for its professional management, setting it apart from many other clubs in Ghana. In an interview with Emmanuel Capito on Homebase TV’s HB Sports Round-up, Logosu emphasized the club’s commendable management practices, noting that Nzema Kotoko, despite competing in Division One, operates with a level of professionalism uncommon in the league. He highlighted that Nzema Kotoko is the only Division One club he has worked with that pays salaries and bonuses through bank transactions. Logosu also mentioned that the club helped him open a bank account, a testament to their professional approach. While praising the team’s efforts, he encouraged them to further improve their organizational structures. Logosu’s contract with Nzema Kotoko is set to expire at the end of the season. Despite facing relegation challenges in the recently concluded Access Bank Division One League, the team successfully avoided relegation in Zone 2.

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