Sarkodie Takes Aim at Major Record Labels in "Hennessy Cypher 2024 - MicMutee The #1 Entertainment Blog News Sarkodie Takes Aim at Major Record Labels in "Hennessy Cypher 2024

Sarkodie Takes Aim at Major Record Labels in "Hennessy Cypher 2024

Ghanaian rap heavyweight Sarkodie has made waves with his fiery verse in the highly anticipated "Hennessy Cypher 2024," where he addresses the growing influence of major record labels in the African music scene. The cypher features six of Africa's hottest rappers: Maglera Doe Boy, Sarkodie, Didi B, Young Lunya, Khaligraph Jones, and Ladipoe. Each artist delivers scorching bars over a captivating beat, showcasing their unique styles and flows. Sarkodie's verse stands out for its personal reflection and pointed commentary. He raps about his journey from humble beginnings to becoming a rap icon, emphasizing his decision to remain independent. Criticizing the increasing control major labels exert over African artists, Sarkodie highlights how they act as gatekeepers for collaborations and take a cut of publishing rights.
"I want my freedom cos most my homies are locked in cages," Sarkodie raps, referencing the restrictions artists face under label contracts. He continues, "It's kind of strange how this music has changed... I need a verse from my bro, a couple of calls but now I need to speak to some dude cos he's the boss," criticizing how labels can impede collaboration between artists. Sarkodie acknowledges the success major labels have brought to African music globally, rapping, "I can't hate but it's working I see results. African music was buzzing but it couldn't cross as soon as we signed the paperwork labels opened the doors." However, he seems conflicted by the trade-off between commercial success and artistic freedom. Sarkodie's verse is sure to spark conversation about the role of major labels in shaping African music.

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