Yul Edochie Raises Alarm Over Threats to His Family - MicMutee The #1 Entertainment Blog News Yul Edochie Raises Alarm Over Threats to His Family

Yul Edochie Raises Alarm Over Threats to His Family

Popular Nigerian actor and pastor Yul Edochie has voiced serious concerns over threats to the lives of his second wife, Judy Austin, and their two children. In a recent social media post, Edochie claimed that unidentified individuals have been harassing his fans, friends, and business associates online, even going as far as posting his home address and threatening his family. Edochie, who has been in the spotlight for his controversial second marriage to Judy Austin, stated that he has reported the threats to the police and is offering a one million naira reward for information leading to the arrest of those responsible. This situation follows Edochie's public announcement of his marriage to Austin, which sparked widespread controversy and criticism from fans and the public. Despite the backlash, Edochie has continued to share his personal life on social media, including live videos and a mini-reality show featuring his family. In his Instagram post, Edochie wrote: "I heard a group of jobless and foolish people formed a WhatsApp group and social media pages, and they’re using them to threaten my fans, friends, and business associates. Bullying is unacceptable to me or anyone else. I have reported the matter to the police. If anyone calls or texts you to threaten you, please record the call, copy the number and text, and send it to me so I can forward it to the police for tracking them. I heard they went as far as posting my house address on their platform & threatening to hurt my children & kill Judy. They have crossed the line. You cannot sit in your house & tell another person how to live their life. God punish all of you. I will get you all. I’m offering N1 million and more to anyone who can provide helpful information about them to aid their arrest." He urged anyone receiving threatening calls or texts to record and forward the communication to him, so he can assist the police in tracking down the perpetrators. "To all my fans & friends all over the world, please assist me in apprehending these psychos. I thank you all for your love & support. God bless you. Cyberbullying is unacceptable."

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