The 2024 Kente Festival Launched in Ho with Vibrant Celebrations - MicMutee The #1 Entertainment Blog News The 2024 Kente Festival Launched in Ho with Vibrant Celebrations

The 2024 Kente Festival Launched in Ho with Vibrant Celebrations


The 2024 Kente Festival of the Agotime people in the Volta Region was recently launched in Ho, showcasing a vibrant display of colors and cultural pride. This year's celebration promises exciting events including children's and women’s Day, musket firing, Kente exhibitions, water fetching by maidens, and godigbe (landing day), and will culminate in a grand durbar on Saturday, August 10, 2024.

Emilia Emefa Adzimah, the Agotime-Ziope District Chief Executive (DCE), officially launched the festival, highlighting the rich cultural heritage of the Agotime traditional area, particularly symbolized by the Kente Festival. She urged the people of Agotime to avoid petty chieftaincy disputes and maintain the noble image of their community.

“Let this year’s celebration be a turning point for reunification, a united front, and a bold step towards progress,” she emphasized.

Festival Coordinator Elvis Attivoe spoke on the significance of Kente cloth to the Agotime Traditional Area, asserting that the Kente Festival is one of the richest cultural celebrations in Ghana and continues to gain global appreciation. He encouraged master weavers to meet the demands of both local and international markets with corresponding Kente brands.

Divine Bosson, the Ho Municipal Chief Executive and special guest at the launch highlighted the importance of the festival in preserving traditions while embracing modernity. He stressed the need to promote Kente on global platforms, foster tourism, and create educational opportunities that underscore the cultural significance of Kente.

Dr. George-Grandy Hallow, a member of the festival planning committee, noted that Kente transcends ethnic and geographic boundaries. “When Akan proverbs resonate within the Ewe culture, and the values shared by the Ewe people align with those in the northern regions of Ghana, we find a good reason for celebrating Kente as a cultural artifact that binds us,” he said.

Cephas Kafui Apenuvor, a renowned entrepreneur and the event’s chairman called on the youth of Agotime to embrace Kente weaving as a lucrative livelihood. Apenuvor, the Chief Executive Officer of Cephas K. Company Limited, pointed out the bright and growing prospects of the Kente industry.


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