Billionaire Singer Rihanna Hints at End of Sabbatical - MicMutee The #1 Entertainment Blog News Billionaire Singer Rihanna Hints at End of Sabbatical

Billionaire Singer Rihanna Hints at End of Sabbatical


Billionaire singer Rihanna has teased her return from a musical hiatus. The ‘Diamonds’ star, who recently stirred up social media by wearing an 'I’m Retired' shirt, revealed in a new interview with ET that she is heading back to the studio.

Rihanna, who hasn’t released an album since 2016, assured fans that new music is on the way. The mother of two shared that she has been rediscovering herself musically during her time away.

"Music for me is a discovery. I’m rediscovering things. I’ve been working on my next album for so long that I can’t just put all that stuff aside. And now, I’m prepared to go back to the studio," she said.

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